Ahukura big day in!

Hello! today , we will be talking about The Big day in Waka Ahurkura.Yesterday, was so fun. We had alot of fun time on the bouncy castles. Also, the food was so amazing (pizza, hot chips and drinks). It was raining but later on it was sunny. We went on the water slides/bouncy the whole day. We all were  just having fun outside and eating altogether. I enjoyed that day so much.  I  had so much fun with my friends. my friends enjoyed it aswell!. The whole waka ahurkura took a group photo altogether. The bouncy castles were packed but we still went on all of them. My favourite one was the big slide one. I didn’t like the wet ones because it was so cold and  windy. It was alright because everyone else had an amazing time there. So, yeah! that is it from me. Thank you for looking at my blog of waka ahurkura!

My name is Mariah.

camp 2023

camp was so much fun we all had a great time there for 3 days!! we all had so much fun on all of the activites and the food was awseome everything was great we toasted marshmellows had our own cabins and went in mud and hydro slides also kayaking archery gun shooting and other stuff me personally enjoiyed everything every second of it we all did thank you christian youth camp for having us i enjoined alot of things thank you.

Camp 2023 mariah

      on monday november 13 we went to camp for 3 days on tuesday we went to go roast some marshmellows outside after dinner. we all had a stick and 3 marshmellows on the stick we were having so much fun each group had a turn to go up and roast our marshmellows we had os mcuh fun and my marshemellows were burnt but it was fun hanging out with my group group 5 we had such a fun night!

minecraft blog Post

   Hello welcome to my minecraft blog post. I really enjoyed this but at the same time it was really hard! But I got through it. If you get the chance to do it, comment on this blog and yeah this is all I have today so yeah have a great today  =)

micro bit

 Hello, kia ora, welcome everyone this is my blog post about micro bit! It was so fun to do this. I am so glad I got the chance to do this thank you for looking at my blog post and taking a look at it hopefully you get the chance to do it and yeah i hope you have a good day today bye

Flappy bird codeing

kia ora welcome to my post today i will be showing you my flappy bird post using codeing.It was so fun

learning how to use codeing with flappy bird.It was great to play and share with you my post thank you

so much for looking at my post thank you bye. 🙂

All About Me


Hello welcome to my blog its nice to have you here.These past days we have been learning about posting our blog and more.

Im sharing with you about my All about me poster.We have been exploring How to make our poster and thats how we got here

my favourite thing in y poster is my family.One fact about me is that i am 10 years old.As you can see on my poster there is my

favourite foods Games movies and deserts and more! I hope you liked my blog enjoy your day 🙂


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